Lughnasa in Athens: August 3, 2025


Lughnasa Dance and Potluck

Sunday, August 3, 2025

Shade Community Center, 2380 Old Rte 33, Shade, Ohio

2:30 – 5:30 pm (Doors open at 2:10, Dancing starts at 2:30)

With live music by Boys of the Hock!

Come celebrate the Gaelic beginning of the harvest season with an afternoon of dancing!

Dancers: $10 – $20 sliding scale. (Please don’t let finances keep you away!)

Spectators: $5

This event is informal, but feel free to dress up if you wish.

Dances will be walked through at least once. Talk-throughs will be gender neutral.

Please bring a potluck item to share. We’ll enjoy a sit-down meal at the end of the evening.

Can’t wait to dance with you!



The Ferry Boat

The Bon Viveur

The Old Man of Storr

Mrs. Gibson’s Strathspey

Flowers of Edinburgh


The Happy Meeting

The Falkirk Lass

A Trip to Bavaria

Liquid Assets

The Deil Amang the Tailors


Potluck dinner

Online set list including videos and cribs

Downloadable flyer

You are invited to the:

With live music by Reeling Around!

When: June 5, 7:30 pm

Where: Gates-Fourth United Methodist Church, 119 E Gates Street, Columbus, Ohio. (The church is in Merion Village a few blocks south of Thurman and sits on the corner of Gates and Fourth. Park along the street and climb steps on Fourth Street side to double doors. Ring the doorbell and a dancer will come greet you.)

How much: FREE. (But please bring a tea item to share)

Set list.

CANCELLED: Hogmanay in Athens: January 5, 2025

This event is cancelled due to 8 to 12 inches of forecast snow! Please stay home and stay tuned for a new date and time.


Hogmanay Dance and Potluck

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shade Community Center, 2380 Old Rte 33, Shade, Ohio

2:30 – 5:30 pm

With live music by Boys of the Hock!

Come celebrate the Scottish New Year with an afternoon of dancing!

Dancers: $10 – $20 sliding scale. (Please don’t let finances keep you away!)

Spectators: $5

This event is informal, but feel free to dress up if you wish.

Dances will be walked through at least once. Talk-throughs will be gender neutral.

Please bring a potluck item to share. We’ll enjoy a sit-down meal at the end of the evening.

Winter weather policy: We’ll dance as long as Athens County is at a Level 0 or 1 Snow Emergency at 11 am. We’ll cancel if Athens County is at a Level 2 or 3 snow emergency at 11 am. Please check the facebook group for weather updates in borderline cases.

Can’t wait to dance with you!



New Year Jig

A Trip to Bavaria

The Hunting Horn

Thanks For All the Dancing

Flowers of Edinburgh


Antarctica Bound

The Old Man of Storr

The Silver Grey

Follow Me Home

The De’il Amang the Tailors


Potluck dinner

Use this link to see the list of dances along with tabs to see cribs, diagrams, and videos when available. 

Autumn Gold: A Tea Dance in Dayton

Cincinnati & Dayton Classes Of the Cincinnati Branch RSCDS host:

Autumn Gold

An Afternoon of Scottish Country  Dancing

Saturday, November 9, 2024

1:30pm – 5:30 pm

Michael Solomon Pavillion: 2917 Berkley St # 3, Dayton , Ohio 45409

Cost $ 25

Featuring live music by Keltricity of Lousiville, Kentucky


Hooper’s Jig J

Rose of the North S

Fireworks Reel R

The Hunting Horn J

Culla Bay S

Orpington Caledonians R

Capital Jig J

Piper and the Penguin R

The Gentleman S

Trip to Timber Ridge R

Flight of the Falcon J

Orchards of Armagh S

De’il Amang the Tailors R

Use this link to see the list of dances along with tabs to see cribs, diagrams, and videos when available.

Please register here, then choose one of the payment options below.

Online: Pay via credit card, bank account, or paypal account ($26.25)

Checks: $25 payable to RSCDS Cincinnati Class, sent to Andy May 5626 Monica Drive, Fairfield OH 45014

Questions? Contact Tracey Applebee (513-600-5852) or Joyce Lindsey (937-620-2782)


Bealltainn in Athens

Bealltainn in Athens


Bealltainn Dance and Potluck

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Shade Community Center, 2380 Old Rte 33, Shade, Ohio

3:30 – 6:30 pm

With live music by Reeling Around

$10 – $15 sliding scale

This event is informal, but feel free to dress up if you wish.

Dances will be walked through at least once. Talk-throughs will be gender neutral.

Please RSVP!

Come celebrate the Celtic beginning of summer with an afternoon of dancing!

Cost: To be announced. If money is an issue we’d rather have you come than stay home. Please don’t let finances keep you away!

Please bring a potluck item to share. We’ll enjoy a sit-down meal at the end of the evening.

Can’t wait to dance with you!



Strip the Willow

The Machine Without Horses

Summer Wooing

Sugar Candie

The Kelloholm Jig


Rory o’More

A Trip to Bavaria

New Year Jig

12 Coates Crescent

Antarctica Bound

Potluck dinner

Use this link to see the list of dances along with tabs to see cribs, diagrams, and videos when available. Or download the gender-neutral cribs.


Scottish Workshop and Dance in Kentucky


A Workshop & Dance in Kentucky

When: Saturday, March 2

Stretch your brain and body with a workshop by Royal Scottish Country Dance Society certificated teacher TRACEY APPLEBEE:

Time: 2 pm to 5 pm

Experience level: The workshop is recommended for dancers who know the basic steps (Skip Change, Slip Step, Pas De Basque, Strathspey travelling and setting), as well as Reels of 3 and 4, Corner figures, Poussette, and Allemande.

Men’s dress: Scottish casual

Then dance the night away at the evening social dance:

Start time: 7:30 pm

Live music by Keltricity

Men’s dress: Scottish dress
Ladies’ dress: Scottish dress casual or formal

Set list:

The Greenbelt Jig
The Falkirk Lass
JB Milne
The Kellolhm Jig
Jim Dougal of Eyemouth
The Duran Ranger
A Capital Jig
Barbara’s Strathspey
Trip to Bavaria
Pelorus Jack
The Orchards of Co. Armagh
Mairi’s Wedding

Location for both workshop and dance: Midway Presbyterian Church
103 N. Turner Street
Midway, Kentucky 40347

Please RSVP prior to March 1, 2024 to


Workshop and Dance: $35
Workshop only: $15
Dance only: $20

Two Scholarships available based on need. Please ask your teacher to write a brief note and send to

Flier with more information.

Cribs and videos for the evening dance.

Scottish Dance Workshop in Athens


A Scottish Dance Workshop in Athens

When: Saturday, January 13

Warm up your brain and body with a morning social dance: 10 am – 11:30 am. Set list

Stay for the main event — a workshop by Royal Scottish Country Dance Society certificated teacher TRACEY APPLEBEE: 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

End with a potluck: 4:30 pm

Recommended donation: $10 (Pay at the door.)

RSVP required! (Space is limited.)

Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens

184 Longview Heights Rd, Athens, Ohio

Experience level: Recommended for intermediate dancers familiar with strathspey, allemande, quick-time poussette, and reels of three.

We’ll share a potluck dinner at the conclusion of the workshop. So bring your dance shoes and a potluck dish to share!

For more information, please contact:

Anna Hess


Hogmanay in Athens


Hogmanay Dance Party and Potluck

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens

184 Longview Heights Rd

Athens, Ohio

4 – 7:15 pm

Please RSVP!

Come ring in the New Year at the Scottish time and in the Scottish style!

We’ll be alternating RSCDS dances and ceilidh dances so everybody can participate. Dances will be taught gender neutrally (larks and robins) and will be enjoyed to recorded music.

Cost: $3 recommended donation. Unitarians and children under 12 get in free. For everyone else, if money is an issue we’d rather have you come than stay home. Please don’t let finances keep you away!

Please bring a potluck item to share. We’ll enjoy a sit-down meal at the end of the evening before ringing in the new year at midnight Scottish time (7 pm eastern time).

Can’t wait to dance with you!



The Kingston Jig (taught and called ceilidh style)
Flowers of Edinburgh
Invercauld’s Reel
Strip the Willow (taught and called ceilidh style)
Lady Catherine Bruce’s Reel


Blue Bonnets
Gay Gordons (taught and called ceilidh style)
The Saint John River
The Deil Amang the Tailors

Potluck dinner

Auld Lang Syne

Use this link to see the list of dances along with tabs to see cribs, diagrams, and videos when available.

Hogmanay Flyer

Tips for Your First Social Dance (RSCDS style)

Asking a partner to dance:

  • To ask someone to dance, say “Would you like to dance?” or “May I have this dance?” Extend a friendly hand and meet your potential partner’s eye. Once your partner agrees to dance with you, it’s polite to ask which side they’d like to dance on.
  • Don’t be afraid to be the one asking someone else to dance. Men can ask women, women can ask men, women can ask women, and men can ask men.
  • If you’d like to be asked to dance, don’t cluster and chatter with your friends. Instead, keep your body language open and make eye contact and smile as other dancers approach.
  • If you’re experienced, look for newer dancers to ask; if you’re inexperienced, look for someone skilled who will help you level up.
  • Try to dance with different partners throughout the night, both old friends and visitors you’ve never met. Moving to the diagonally opposite side of the dance hall is a great way to shake things up between dances and meet new people.
  • It is frowned upon to say no when someone asks you to dance unless you’re sitting out that dance. But if someone happens to say no to you, know the rudeness is their problem and not yours.
  • Even if you came with a partner, only dance one or two dances with that person (often the first dance, a favorite elsewhere in the set, and the last waltz). In most areas, it’s frowned upon to pre-book many (or any) dances ahead.

Forming sets:

  • Sets should form after the dance is announced or music begins. Clear the floor when no dance is in progress.
  • Join lines at the end, not the middle or top, to avoid disrupting other couples. Don’t walk through lines when finding your place on the floor.
  • Throughout the night, be sure to dance in different sets and different parts of the dance floor. It’s frowned upon to always rush to be the couple closest to the music (although if you’re inexperienced, that area is likely better than the bottom, where more tentative dancers tend to congregate).
  • The top couple counts off sets before dancing begins. Remain stationary in lines while sets form for easy counting. Ladies waiting for their partners should move to the gentlemen’s side for ease of counting. If there aren’t enough couples to form the final set, the top couple will raise the appropriate number of fingers to ask for more couples. If you’ve chosen to sit out this dance because it’s too hard for you, don’t feel pressured into dancing to make up the final set.


  • Remain quiet and listen during recaps (talk-throughs), even if you know the dance. If there’s a walk-through, be assertive and ask to be placed first to try out the dance if you’re feeling uncertain of your skills. It’s also handy to tell your partner you feel uncertain so they can cue you if you look confused. Alternatively, especially if there’s no walk-through, you can ask the set if they mind placing you at the bottom so you can watch the dance a few times before you become the active couple.
  • Dancing stops immediately if someone is injured. Otherwise, partners dance the full dance together once accepted. Do not leave your set!
  • Use eye contact throughout the dance to get cues from other dances if you’re uncertain. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner, “What’s next?!”
  • If the dance falls apart, don’t rush through past figures and try to catch up. If possible, don’t stop dancing either. Instead, figure out where you should be at a certain point in the music by watching other dancers, then start from that position. In general, when you make a mistake, a good rule of thumb is: Better never than late!
  • Be alert throughout the dance, being ready to step up or down as a supporting couple and to assist elderly or less experienced dancers. Adjust your dancing as needed to ensure everyone in your set enjoys themselves, prioritizing safety. Give cues as necessary to keep the set dancing (eye contact or gestures are better than verbal cues for many), but don’t assume one mistake means your partner needs a constant stream of commentary. We all mess up!
  • Maintain a pleasant, friendly, and inclusive atmosphere through mixing, smiling, and good spirits.
  • Most importantly — have fun!

(With thanks to a variety of sources from whom these tips were drawn.)

A Centenary Celebration of Scottish Country Dancing: Dayton


A Centenary Celebration of Scottish Country Dancing

Saturday September 30, 2023
Michael Solomon Pavilion
2917 Berkeley Street #3
Dayton Ohio 45409

2-5 pm

Featuring Live Music with Elissa Hock piano and Arthur McNair accordion

Of the band “Highland Square “

Cost $25 ; Light tea provided


Waltz to Iowa warm up waltz
EH3 7AF 32 J 3c RSCDS 40
Flowers of Edinburgh 32 R 3c RSCDS 1
Neidpath Castle 32 S 3c set RSCDS 22
None So Pretty 40 R 3c RSCDS 19
Anna Holden’s Strathspey 32 S 2c RSCDS 42
Farewell to Balfour Road 32 J 5c set RSCDS 52
General Stewarts Reel 32 R 3 c RSCDS 10


Old Man of Storr 32 R 3 c RSCDS for children
The Queen City Salute 32 M RSCDS 37
Ladies Fancy 32 J 2c RSCDS 13
Scott Meikle 32R 4 c RSCDS 46
Gothenburgs Welcome 32 J 3 C RSCDS 37
Rakes of Glasgow 32 S 2 c RSCDS 11
Alan J Smith 32 J 3 c RSCDS 45


Fun was had by all!

Dayton Centennary dance
Circle four hands round